You want progress


You may not need a coach


You might be in a certain mindset



You might be feeling imposter syndrome in your current opportunity.

You might be worried about how your progression looks to others.

You might be uncertain about how to align your team.

You might be anxious about the tight deadline for that high-stakes project.



You might be stuck in a place where you’re not sure what move to take next.

You might be impatient with everything that moves so slowly around you.

You might be demotivated in the things that you do, like you’ve lost your mojo.

You might be feeling fear of rejection or fear of judgement for trying something different.


You want to think with clarity

You want to feel confident

You want to act with conviction

You can, with a coach


Work with me 1:1

Together we will Discover, Design, and Deliver your possibilities.

We create a relationship of trust and confidentiality. We are curious about you.
Curious about your Mindset, your Mission, your Message.

Creating a sounding board dyamic is key to seeking clarity in the dots before connecting them.
You then take self-empowered action to bridge the gap between where you are now, and where you want to go.

At the end of the day, you call the shots. You decide what is right for you.

Generally clients will work with me for at least 6 months.
The fee structure works on a monthly investment basis.
Your sessions are customised to what you need to move forward.


1 - Discover

We first explore your mindset. Your dreams, goals, values, needs and strengths. We establish an agreement moving forwards for what you want to achieve. You will be asked thought-provoking questions leading to new ideas and possibilities, to deeper self-understanding and insights.

2 - Design

You create a personalised action plan. Your “mission” if you like, based on an authentic you - your wants, your needs, and your values. Stretch goals are always welcome where they fit into your unique situation.

3 - Deliver

You will be in charge of how you want to be held accountable going forward. How you deliver your message. We will celebrate the successes, understand what worked and what didn’t, and what your learnings are. This continues as we shift towards your goal.


What you might expect


You also want the right fit

Not every coach is a right fit for the client(really!).
Coaching is like any relationship, it’s two-way.
Luckily, there’s no such thing as “arranged” coaching, and you have a choice.

Or maybe you’re looking for something different - a consultant, an advisor, a mentor, a teacher, a counsellor, or a therapist. That’s fine too.

You choose what you want.
You always have the power of choice.


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3 Steps to Stretch You, your Brand and your Career

“At my first coaching session, I could not have hoped for anything better. Before the session, I was prepared well by Jinn to do my "homework" in coming up with the topics for the session which ensured I could get the value out of the session. During the conversation, Jinn listened and actively picked up on the key elements of my reflections and made follow-up questions that opened my mind to quickly establish a potential path towards achieving my goals. In the end, I walked away with the clarity that I had needed for months and tangibles to work on.”

— Jasper Y, Representative Director, Sowind Japan


“Jinn is particularly strong at identifying and pinpointing growth areas that enable me to create strategies and personal mantras that assist in my role as Head of Transformation.
He has a very personable style and a knack of helping me identify root cause in problem solving scenarios and I have no hesitation in recommending Jinn as a professional or personal coach.”

- Nick Verze, Head of Transformation, QCB

“Jinn, I’m so pleased to have found clarity in my life. I’m able to define my values and realise that I’m now living them every day. I’m continuing to discover and give time to the things that are most dear to me and I’ve developed an awareness that allows me to take control of my life and drive toward the things I want to achieve. With your help, I’ve learned to be more present, to pause and reflect and improve when things don't go quite the way I had expected or wished.
I appreciate your open-ended and thought-provoking questions the most. These were awesome in helping me uncover areas I needed to work on and identify flaws in my processes that led me to change. I’m excited to be that person we envisioned that you’d pass by on the street 5 years from now.
I’m so grateful for having met you and I sincerely hope we keep in touch in future.”

- Simon Tien, Senior Software Engineer, Splunk

“My experience working with Jinn over the last twelve months has been extremely rewarding, both professionally and personally. Through our regular discussions, Jinn was able to quickly define what is important to me, and challenge my preconceived ideas around what makes good leaders. We were then able to build on that foundation to focus on specific topics aimed at improving my interactions with team members, colleagues and peers. It is often difficult to find time to reflect on your own personal style and leadership development, but Jinn made that process feel very natural by always being very ‘present’ during our discussions, and his ability to listen, provide thoughtful insight, and challenge the status quo, has provided me with a renewed confidence.”

- Bob Hicks, Consultant Manager, Rockwell

“After several sessions with Jinn, he empowered me to work through my problems and be open to changing my attitude towards life. His active listening is great, you feel he deeply understands what you are going through and really helps you be introspective with yourself. I highly recommend Jinn!”

Michael Wong, Senior Technical Consultant, Okta

“I came to Jinn wanting to figure out the next step in my career. I was stressed that I would make the wrong decision and needed some help to cut through all the noise in my head. After two months of coaching with him, I was confident in what that next step would be. Coaching with Jinn was a challenging but incredibly fulfilling experience. Not only did I gain clarity around my next career move, I gained a greater sense of self belief and confidence. I can’t recommend Jinn enough as a coach and look forward to engaging him again as I continue to navigate my career.”

- Liria K, Culture & Accountability Specialist

“Our sessions have given me the tools and self awareness to tackle setbacks that have been weighing me down on a daily basis. That is a big big win! I’ve had some huge breakthroughs with you about how burnout affects my level of confidence, and how level of confidence affects my perceived level of competence and management of tasks. I feel comfortable talking to you about how I feel on most things, something that I really appreciate about our sessions together.”

- Natasha B, Student, Dental Assistant

“Jinn is an amazing coach. he has the ability to see behind words and to lead his clients with the right questions to their personal and professional success. Jinn can really help you become the best version of yourself. He has been remarkably supportive, gentle and compassionate yet skillfully adept at helping me focus on what is really important to me, what stands in my way and what next steps I want and need to take to accomplish my goals. he is a great listener. I really feel heard, and that has been key to my trusting the coaching process. And he has fantastic, creative ideas that I've found eye-opening, simple and practical. I've been surprised to find myself, after every session, muttering, It's amazing to me, looking back at the process, how someone could help me cut through the brambles to be able to visualize some key goals. Things began to fall into place, largely, I think, because Jinn is so tuned in to the needs and inspiration of the moment. I recommend him if you are looking for great listener, you will be in great hands if you decide to work with him.”

- Elmos A, Finance Business Partner

“As a coach, Jinn asks great questions that helps coachees gain insight into issues that they may otherwise feel stuck in. His passion to coach millennials in this generation and partner with them to achieve their goals is inspiring and much needed in this current age of change and disruption.”

- HR Professional

“Jinn is a caring and supportive coach who made it easy for me to open up by creating a safe space for me to share my thoughts and feelings. I always felt that he was walking with me. Through the sessions together, he worked patiently with me and helped me uncover deeper self realizations and insights. He was there to encourage me and celebrate my successes too! He made me feel empowered - that I am in control of my life and I can make a difference in what I do. I would strongly recommend Jinn as a coach for anyone who is looking for someone to support them through personal and professional growth. Thanks Jinn for your help!”

— Mabel W, HR Manager

“Jinn has simply been a great coach. He guides you through things you never thought you could achieve and helps you work toward achieving those things. He is also really good at understanding you and he helps you build up confidence.”

— David H, Student, Analyst

“I wanted to say that I recommend working with Jinn as a coach because first of all, I feel comfortable every time I have a session with you. you give me space to share my feelings, my ideas without feeling judged. And this is not easy for, considering that you are a male, and you are from a different culture, and you are in a far away country, so you expect that someone from Australia looking Chinese maybe is not going to understand you. That’s what we believe right, maybe probably people from Latin America or from other countries might believe that. With you I didn't feel anything like that, I felt like we connected really well, and you supported me and guided me in every conversation, and the most important thing as I already mentioned is the empathy and the space that I think is very important in order to be able to get rid of the things that you have in your mind and put your mind in order, put your ideas in order and move on. this is definitely the most important thing for me. And as a coach definitely yes you are a good coach, you ask good questions, you keep people accountable at the end of each session asking what’s next, and when are you going to do all these things that you, all the actions that you thought about, so for that reason, I recommend working with you..”

— Lucy H, Life Coach, Business English teacher

“I entered the coaching program not having much expectations, since I consider myself already a self-reflective person, and I was not sure how a few sessions will be able to contribute towards making a difference.
My initial thoughts were wrong, and I remain impressed with the impact of the coaching experience on not just my career progression, but personal development and well-being. Jinn was able to identify during the sessions several of my thought patterns, and we went through different aspects of it and explored how they influence me. I am not usually an open person, but Jinn gained a lot of my trust which was a key to self-development. By the end of the sessions, I was exploring the values I would like to maintain during the course of my career, what kind of leadership roles that would fit with me and how do I continue to explore aspects of my personality to shine in different areas of my life. One aspects that really struck me during the course of the coaching was how I find myself to be more assertive and compassionate at the same time in real life, two topics I brought up which I have previously mentioned I was not sure how to navigate and balance effectively. Thank you Jinn!”

— Adilah Nasir, RSD Officer, UNHCR

“I have been having several coaching sessions with Jinn. I really appreciate the time with Jinn because he was able to hold the space for me and asked me really thought provoking questions that got me thinking. The silence and the space he held allowed me to gain certain insights that really helped me with my business and personal struggles”

— Mou Nyee, Business owner 

“I’m really happy with what I have now. Jinn really helped me to improve some of my skills, some of my points of view on certain subjects, and helped me to question myself on who I am and where I want to go, and where I am today vs yesterday. I really appreciate that. I know who I am, I’m a hard worker, and now I start to become a smart worker, and you really helped me on a lot of the stuff to take care of myself and because of that, I can take more care of others.”

— Charlotte Z, Construction Project Manager 

“I joined the coaching program with a mindset that I would be coached by an accountant who's responsible for big things, delivering or reporting to the largest clients, sitting at the top of the career ladder and guiding me to that way. And I met Jinn. He's not that person, and I'm thankful that he's not that person. He's successful in his own way. He helped me get clarity on my own self-awareness, understand myself on how I value things, understand why am I not accountable to myself. Learning how to work it out, and then developing how I can then help others achieve the same clarity, bringing people with me on this pursuit of success. Jinn didn't give me his opinions, he didn't give me advice. He helped me answer my own questions. He believes that people are not broken, he believed in me, that I know what I should be doing.. and he's right. He gave me the proper questions, the most difficult questions. He presented the coaching as a safe space where I can be vulnerable and be open to what I'm thinking of, and that's what happened. I'm very thankful for this opportunity. With this coaching session, I got clarity on myself, how I can proceed on valuing things, pursuing and nurturing things that I value, and staying accountable to them. This includes helping others and doing the things I love. The coaching sessions, the way that it happened, without this, it won't run, I won't experience this clarity, and so thank you Jinn for the opportunity. I would recommend this to everyone. ”

— Victor R, Senior Financial Analyst, International Organization for Migration 

“I never experience a coach before. In the beginning, I felt I was doing something very different to what I had done before, are my answers right? And I realise I just did not take the time to reflect. Now I’m used to the questions from Jinn, I know how to guide myself, and understand more of how to question myself. I can now put myself in other people’s shoes, and understand their feelings and what their problems are. This has helped my interactions with the people around me. For my work problems I feel like I can understand where I am, and why I am stuck, and see things with a different perspective. I had to deal with many ups and downs and I always felt supported by Jinn, someone who understands, especially in the workspace with workspace politics, it was great to be able to talk to someone with a different perspective, and a chance to really reflect on myself. I appreciate your coaching style, thank you.”

— Chisato K, Business Analyst, Titan FX

“Jinn Kan is an approachable person easy to work with and connect with. He was empathetic, open to different ideas, willing to bounce ideas. He was able to give me lots of pauses, lots of silence which allowed me to think and work out the solution for myself. He brought energy and enthusiasm to each session which generated my own energy to learn in these sessions. He didn't show up as just ticking the box, but rather being interested in me as a person, and I was able to learn and develop multiple skills that i can use in my work and personal relationships. He created trust in our relationship and I feel that we had a very productive and effective time together.”

— Prasad N, Country Business Lead, Rockwell

“Jinn’s patient guidance broadened my understanding and challenged my thinking, providing me with invaluable knowledge I am eager to apply in my studies and beyond. In our sessions, we reflected upon recent achievements and honed strategies towards approaching future obstacles. I would highly recommend his expertise to anyone!”

Andy Cheng-Chen, Student

“My favourite thing about Jinn's coaching is that he is a great listener and brings a lot of inspiration and compassion, creating a positive and safe environment for contemplation and growth. When needed he will help you challenge patterns and beliefs and assist you in your personal development. Through our sessions I found a lot of insight and clarity on what I need to work on to move forward, most importantly a kinder mindset toward myself and life. Thank you!”

— Lovisa S. Digital Artist

“Working with Jinn as my coach has been an invaluable experience. Starting this program I wasn’t sure what to expect, but by talking things through with Jinn I have been able to identify what things were most important to me to work on during this program and start to think about what I can do to work on these. In the past couple of months I have found that by implementing the actions we had discussed, that I am feeling more confident and more aligned with my own personal values at work. ” ”

— Chelsea Gardner | Accounting SME, SVHA

“Jinn has been instrumental in helping me understand and overcome a number of obstacles that were holding me back.
Jinn's attentive listening and insightful questions make our coaching sessions constructive and enlightening and I have noticed positive changes in my ability to achieve my goals thanks to Jinn's guidance.
I recommend Jinn's coaching services to anyone looking for a positive and helpful coaching experience.”

Kenn Baker, Senior Software Engineer, Turnitin

- Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.

— Lao Tzu

Jinn Kan