Hi, I’m Jinn Kan

I offer visual and kinaesthetic learners the opportunity to work on their self-limiting beliefs in how they show up to what matters.

I want to contribute by helping others on their journey. Personal and professional.
I want each person to realise their own possibilities and for this to ripple along.
I want this energy to swell within each community and flow to many more.

I spent my childhood being curious and finding creative ways to express myself. Even with all my aspirations during this dream phase, I caved to social pressure, to status quo, to expectations. I found myself heading towards a “safe” career path, I found myself being carried by the lifestyle current around me.
The start of this career was spent working in a suit and tie. Most of it dealing directly with business clients and finance, and towards the end, an opportunity to apply my expertise and skills to present a structural change nationally.

Meanwhile, I started pursuing a burning desire that had begun a little earlier - culinary arts and interning at restaurants in Melbourne/Japan/Denmark - I ultimately wanted a medium for guests who ate my food to manifest a sense of mindfulness through the embodiment of their senses in that present moment. It was taboo to talk about these dreams while wearing a suit.

After my corporate resignation to backpack around the globe, I caught a glimpse of the privilege that surrounded me back home in Australia. The Covid-19 pandemic started to spread, and my renewed conviction began to form. I decided to direct love, compassion, and energy to improve the well-being of others through connecting and cascading the effects of mindfulness. Coaching helps me achieve this purpose.

Now residing with 2 young humans back in Melbourne, my resolve to make a difference, “be” the change, is now stronger than ever.

Whatever it takes, one person, one community at a time.

My vision is to cultivate and nurture positive sustainable change within ourselves in this ‘VUCA’ world.

Where we have the choice to exercise love and compassion in any moment.

Where we have the choice of our own mindset and attitude in any moment.

This is what I see.


Get in touch.

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

— Victor Frankl

Jinn Kan
